
    • 50 years history

      Founded in 1971

    • 1.6 +Billion USD

      Annual sales revenue

    • 50 +

      Domestic and foreign subsidiaries

    • 7000 +


    Serving 5000+ global large customers

  1. 20+
    global Top 100 energy companies served
  2. 600 million + KW
    installed capacity served
  3. CO?
    emission reduction of 10+ million tons/year
  4. NO?
    emission reduction of 600+ thousand tons/year
  5. No. 1
    in sales of air pollution control products in China for 10 consecutive years
  6. No. 1
    of Chinese Top 20 Air Pollution Control Service Providers
  7. Products and services
    applied in 50+ countries and regions
  8. SO?
    emission reduction of 6+ million tons/year
  9. Cover 90%
    of group clients in power, steel, and cement industries in China
  10. Dust emission reduction of
    of group clients in power, steel, and cement industries in China
  11. 10,000+
    large-scale environmental protection projects engineered (and built) worldwide
  12. No. 8
    of Chinese Top 50 Environmental Companies
  13. 20+
    global Top 100 energy companies served
    600 million + KW
    installed capacity served
    emission reduction of 10+ million tons/year
    emission reduction of 600+ thousand tons/year
    No. 1
    in sales of air pollution control products in China for 10 consecutive years
    No. 1
    of Chinese Top 20 Air Pollution Control Service Providers
    Products and services
    applied in 50+ countries and regions
    emission reduction of 6+ million tons/year
    Cover 90%
    of group clients in power, steel, and cement industries in China
    Dust emission reduction of
    of group clients in power, steel, and cement industries in China
    large-scale environmental protection projects engineered (and built) worldwide
    No. 8
    of Chinese Top 50 Environmental Companies